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Use This Facility Safety Audit Checklist to Make Sure Your Theater Is Safe 1776 The Musical

The safety of both employees and patrons. The evacuation plan should include designated routes and plans for aiding those with disabilities. Also, it must contain a method of accounting for each employee and guest during an emergency. Also, it is a great idea to regularly conduct fire drills to ensure that everybody is aware of the evacuation procedures. First aid kits:

Kits for first aid that are adequately stocked can be found in several locations around your theater. There should be basic first aid equipment such as gauze or band-aids. Also, it could be beneficial for employees to be trained on basic first aid to ensure they are able to aid in the event of an incident.


Security at your theatre is essential for patrons and employees, especially during the evening performance. A sufficient lighting system should be installed throughout the entire venue, including outdoor walkways and parking areas. Hiring security guards or installing security cameras can help to deter crime and ensure the safety of everyone within the property. It is crucial to have a plan in the event of an emergency or incident that might arise.

Environmental hazards:

The identification and treatment of any potential threats to your environment, including asbestos or mold, is crucial for the safety of both your patrons and employees. Ventilation should be maintained across all the areas in the theater to prevent the buildup of harmful gases or fumes.

In food safety, food safety

If your theater serves food or beverages then it's crucial to have an appropriate management of food items and storage procedures implemented. This includes keeping foods at the correct temperatures, hand washing frequently and properly storing food in order to avoid contamination. You should provide adequate hand washing facilities.

Through a thorough review of all possible risks to your safety, and taking measures to improve
