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How to Make Pet Safe Weed Killer

is a good chance for it to develop and take over the garden. The corn gluten meal performs most effectively when used early in spring, just before the weeds can sprout. The weedkiller works by inhibiting germination so it is not effective against the weeds already in existence.

The meal of corn gluten can improve your landscaping efforts since it can add fertilizer to your soil. This is particularly helpful if you have a lawn which is beginning to appear unhealthy and yellow.

But, it's important to keep in mind that corn gluten meal might cause allergies in certain pets. If your pet is prone to allergies, it's best to avoid using this weed killer.

The Process of Making It:

It is possible to find corn gluten meals at most garden stores, or on the internet. Add corn gluten meal to your soil, then water it in. It's important to cover the corn gluten meal before you start planting your garden because it takes time for it to work through the soil.

Additionally, it can be utilized in conjunction with your routine for tree care as it's a great way to maintain the root of your trees in good health. Just add 1 pound of corn gluten meal per inch of trunk diameter around the root of your tree.

5. Clove Oil

You may overlook the possibility of creating pet-safe weed killers. However, clove oil could be used as an effective weed killer. Clove oil is an organic herbicide that originates from the cloves of the clove plant. Clove oil has a warm, sweet and spicy smell that people enjoy. It's produced from clove oil's eugenol. Eugenol also gives clove oil its anti-weed properties.

The Process of Making It:

You'll start by heating one cup of water to make this weed-killer. When the water has reached a boil, add one tablespoon of clove oil. Combine all the ingredients, and allow to sit for a few minutes to cool. After it has cooled and poured into a spray bottle , and apply it to your plants. It is important to shake it thoroughly prior to every use.
